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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

QRs All Year Long

My listening center used to be THE WORST. I hated it. I hated pulled the tape film from the wreckage after my little ones forgot how to work it. I hated the CD player being turned too loud by someone. The arguments over who got to control the buttons WERE THE WORST. Not to mention half the time they weren't on the same page as the reader.

Well. Problem solved. QR listening centers. You don't have to be 1:1 technology. You don't even have to have a cart. iPads are nice, but you really only need a couple of old iPhones - think about everyone who has upgraded and still has an old device. No more volume wars, easy scan and play, best of all - the reader in the video is usually showing the pages as he or she reads so my kiddos are following along! 

I just print these pages that align with monthly themes, laminate the pages, and stick them in the library with the books. Those clean plastic wipe and write pockets work too. Or put them in a binder as the year goes on. All videos from YouTube are cleaned through Pure View or Safe Share so that your kiddos are safely watching the read around and not other content. 

Now not ALL of the QRs link to read alouds, but most of them do. The ones that don't are supplemental resources to help explore a topic. So kids in the listening center are exposed to a variety of content both visual and auditory.  

Right now, I there topics for March, April, May, June, July and August. Each month I will add two more pages of QRs that fit with the month. AND this bundle is open for suggestions. Give me input on what you want showcased each month and I will do it! Yay!

Going this way with my listening center really saved it. And I am glad because I know the kiddos are excited to use QRs and this gives them the listening center I was always too frustrated to deal with!

Sometimes the read alouds get taken down off YouTube due to copywrite, so if that QR doesn't work the kids just mark an X on it.  I have no control over that, but I do update the videos as soon as I notice an issue so you will never be without a full QR set.

Get your growing QR set here - price goes up when it's complete!

What does your listening center look like? What would you like to see added?

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