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Monday, September 30, 2013

Technology can be such a thrill to students and the classroom it is used it.  I love exploring the ways that technology opens up the world and have experienced the positive impacts it can have on a child's education.

SMART boards are an awesome tool, but not every school can realistically afford them...sooo look what my sister-in-law found!

It is an interactive white board that you can make with a Wii remote and infa-red pen! I am amazed!! I would love to try this out and let the kids go to town on center games,, and more!

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Friday!

Today is the last day of our apple unit and I am going to try to remember to take pictures of centers!

On Wednesday, we predicted what the inside of an apple would look like, reviewed the parts on an apple and cut an apple open to check out predictions.

You can find this page in my apple unit.

One of my little guys asked if we could plant the seeds. I have no idea if they will actually grow, but ya know what, we are going to try! I guess there's no reason not to plant them...

 So we each took a seed and planted in the courtyard.

Sorry to my administration if we end up with an orchard in a few years! 

But the kids had fun digging a little hole, covering it up and watering it.  On Thursday, they asked if we could watch them grow, which is so sweet.  We read a book about the timeline of growing an apple tree and figured out they have to wait until they are 11 at least.  I guess well see!

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our apple unit is ending but not before....

Ten Apples Up on Top!

We can count 10 apple up on top of our heads, and count backwards, AND count on! 

Then, we graphed the apples that our class liked....

.... and Mrs. McGinnis took this picture upside down....oops!

Thanks to Mrs.E. a class mom who helped us complete this lesson! We love class helpers! Shout outs also go to Mrs. C for helping us with centers the day before. :o) 

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Monday, September 16, 2013

"All I Really Need to Know, I Learned In Kindergarten"

In Kindergarten, there is A LOT of working together going on.  We share at tables, help each other tie shoes, and try to be good role models for our friends. We show love towards one another and help each other out because, well...

 "All I Really Need to Know, I Learned In Kindergarten"

34760"1. Share everything.
2. Play fair.
3. Don't hit people.
4. Put things back where you found them.
6. Don't take things that aren't yours.
7. Say you're SORRY when you HURT somebody.
8. Wash your hands before you eat.
9. Flush."

 Robert FulghumAll I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Those are just some of the things we work on here.  Guided centers helps us work on sharing, being responsible, and our manners.

It's not just the academics that are important, so where ever your child is at in his or her development, remember its not just the academics we are learning - and your children teach me everyday too!

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Friday, September 13, 2013

The past two weeks we have been working on our Apple Unit! We have working on counting by making "apple people," worked with the ten frame to count to 10 and done an apple taste-test!

Our class found out that we like red apples best. So we colored in our ten-frame to show how many kids like red apples! (Sorry forgot to take a picture of the ten frame, but you can see it here).

Hard at work coloring in our favorites!

 Taste-testing! Which do you like, yellow, red or green?

Thanks for sending in apples for our taste testing and projects parents!!

Teachers - here is my pack that was inspired by this unit!

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Curriculum Night!

Parents ,
Thank you for attending Curriculum Night (Open House).  You child CANNOT wait to show you his or her fantastic projects, seat, and centers. Don't forget to pick up your Open House Hunt on the back table when you get here.  Sign off on all the checkpoints, then turn it in for a prize!

Sneak peak ~ prizes and artwork

Find these things on the hunt!

...oh and these too!

Hope you can come and enjoy the evening!

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Monday, September 2, 2013

First Weeks

It's year four, week four for me and the kids! Each year the beginning is exhausting and amazing all the the same time.

During the first few days, our classroom turns from students who need assistance with every direction and task, to students who can work independently, are gaining confidence in themselves and their abilities and are learning how to function in a classroom.

It is truly amazing!

Right now, we only have 20 students (compared to 26 and 24 the last two years) and each is obviously at his/her own comfort level in school. But WOW - are all my students catching on to the routines quickly!

As we get back from labor day, we are starting our Apple Unit and preparing for Curriculum Night (Open House) on Thursday! Look at these cute shape people we made (CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.B.5 & CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.B.6)!

In other's FALL!! Yessss! I LOVE fall....ok that is all. :o)

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