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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

So when I planned teaching about March weather I didn't plan March would not only come in like a lion, but go out like one as well. It's still below 30 degrees people!!!!

But Spring is still arriving tomorrow and we need to finish up our lion/lamb unit. 

 Here's our messy (no time for neatness!) lamb brainstorm...
 ....and our lambs with lamb ideas on them....this one says "lambs are good for making sweaters" haha!!
 And this one says, "They are not great house pets." LOVE IT!
And then theres this little lamb with a lamb beard :o)

There you have it folks...lions and lambs galore.  Now if only Spring would actually come! :o)
Did anyone else use the lion/lamb unit on TPT? Get it here. How did you use it?
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  1. Hi Kirstin,
    I love that little lamb with the beard. :o) Too cute! I just found you and am your newest follower. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Thanks Vicky!! Your blog is is super cute as well - I hope following you back gets you closer to 1000! :o)


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